Except assignment, i would like to express what i feel in this blog.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


How does online redefines the notion of mass communication? Discuss with suitable examples.

- Mass communication can be defined as a process of transferring a message to a large group of people. It represents the creation and sending of a homogeneous message to a large hetrogeneous audience through media. Mass communication practices traditional media. There is mechanism to control the content and gate keeping. With the process of gate keeping no one can go beyond the rules and the regulations which is already been set. It has set narrow boundary.

Online comes under new media. It has broadened its boundary. So, there is no limitation. People are enjoying its freedom. The access of online is itself a positive point to get connected with the world. New communication technology, including accessible online publishing software and evolving mobile device technology, means that citizens have the potential to observe and report more immediately than traditional media outlets do. As a result the public is turning to online sources for news, reflecting growing trust in alternative media. Mainstream news outlets are increasingly scanning blogs and other online sources for leads on news items, and some are hiring journalists from the blogging ranks. Slowly after knowing the importance public is turning towards participatory form of online journalism. As a result media environment is shifting away from the broadcast model, where there used to be few communicators to many. Now, more inclusive model where publics and audiences have also their voices. 

Online has merged all the media as a whole. For an example before the online we have access to text, video, audio in a separate format. After the multi- media all the text, video sound animation can be done together. Moreover, we had to view television, read newspaper and listen to radio to get all the proper information. Today technologies have changed. We do not need to have a look to different medium of mass communication. The information is in our finger. the only work that we need to do is just clicking. Online has changed our behavior and the ability of thinking. It has shaped our mind like a machine. We do not need to wait for tomorrow to read what had happen yesterday. World is transforming into digitalization. Online is another name for digital Age.

Discuss citizen Journalism also discuss how the online media has been vital in the development of citizen Journalism?

-In a simple language the journalism which is done by citizen is known as citizen journalism. Citizen journalism is a journalism which can be done by anyone. to participate as a citizen journalism. It is not essential that an individual must be professional..It takes various forms. Such as also participatory or public. It involves citizen's contribution in one form or another form.

There consist various stages in journalism. Reporting is the initial stage. To publish a story as a news it needs gate keeping. Sometimes the story may not develop as a news and may not be published. Now, the situation has changed with time. Today anyone can write news without gate keeping. The other main feature of citizen journalism is that it's usually found online. In fact, the emergence of the Internet - with blogs, podcasts, streaming video and other Web related innovations has made citizen journalism possible. It gave average people the ability to transmit information globally. That was a power once reserved for only the very largest media corporations and news agencies.

Before citizen journalism, only professional journalist practiced journalism. Citizen journalism has enhanced the ideas of premature people who want to be a journalist. Though there is no gate keeping process in Citizen Journalist, people themselves censored their content. Citizen journalism is therefore proved as a boom for the beginners.

Online media has been playing as a vital role in the developments of citizen journalism. Readers can post their comments with stories done by reporters. Readers can post information about any topic, in any areas. Like if someone wrote about the problems related with education sector they can suggest even better schools and colleges. Readers can actively participated and work with professionals reporters in adding a story . Reporters can asks question to readers with expertise in a particular areas. This involves citizen journalists working in ways that are fully independent of traditional professional news outlets. 

Online media has changed the definition of traditional media. With the emerging trend of online, citizen journalism is also flourishing. Online media give the platform and the visibility to the new comers. No one is there to control the content. It is free from any authority. Unlike in the professionals they do not ask qualifications and work experiments. Thus, citizen journalism can be taken as a new form or new source of experiences.

Discuss functions and dysfunctions of Web 2.0 and social media with suitable examples. 
-At present time web 2.0 has been very popular. People are taking more and more advantages. Web 2.0 is an enhancement of the existing internet. It is a system in which online users became the participatory than the viewer.. It is also said that web 2.0 can help to communicate with the mass population with spreading ideas rather than just getting the information from the authorities as one way traffic. Information can pass freely and people can express without the repression. With Web 2.0 , we can say this period as a true democratic practice. Web, wikis and web services are the components of Web 2.0. People can communicate from various places of the world through the fraction of second. People can bring the information from various places and devices .Different people have their own needs. Web 2.0 can allow each individual to modify their needs, wants and interests. It has made the computers more personalized. It has become the medium to communicate in the whole world.

RSS Feeds 
RSS feeds are a suitable way to stay informed. Subscribers select Web sites and blogs and subscribe to online service for the purpose of keeping the track of all their news feeds in one place.

It is a series of web pages that can be created, edited and maintained by multiple users, as long as knowledge repository or database. 

Any individual can operate blog where an individual can regularly posts, comments and news, including multimedia files.

Online Surveys 
Online surveys gather opinions within a fraction of second with proper data..

Photo and Video Sharing
This function is mainly helpful in an academic sector while exchanging photo and video.

Podcast is a digital media file that includes audio and video which is syndicated, subscribed to, and downloaded automatically when new content is added.

Social Bookmarking 
Social bookmarking sites are the interesting sites that store and allow users to comment on their favorite Web resources . They can also share it with others. 

Collaboration and Networking 
Collaboration and networking is the interaction among people in case if they are working together to achieve a common goal.

Productivity and Creativity - 
This is the useful function of web 2.0 that we can show our creativity and the most important thing is downloaded the document to our computer.

The above are the utilities of Web 2.0, through which we can perform the above mentioned activities. 
The functions and dysfunctions of Web 2.9 are as follows-
1. Online users can participate more.

2. it can be personalized to meet the needs of a single user.

3. Web 2.0 allow the mass population to communicate with each other and spread their ideas rather than receiving their information from a single authority.

4. The flow of information is free and people can express their ideas without the fear of oppression.

5. People will be more informed. Instead of getting information from once source ,they can receive their information from multiple sources, and this will allow them to make better decisions about the world around them.

Though web 2.0 has many good functions it has some dysfunctions too . They are as follows-

1. It is not getting sufficient visibility. Information is rarely discussed in media. 

2. Too many people are pushing the benefits of web 2.0 without taking the time to educate people about its problem .

3. Information cannot be secure, and they could easily be targeted by hackers.

4. If the connection is gone we cannot access the information. 

5. Information can be overloaded.

6. Anyone can use web 2.0 or social media. So, no one can take it for granted

7. It is not neccessary that people will use it for collaboration and networking. That means they can use it for creating disharmony and crimes in the society.

Social Media

Social media refers the various online technology tools that enable people to communicate easily through the internet to share information and resources. Social media can include text, audio, video, images, podcasts, and other multimedia communications. It is a type of online media that expedites conversation as opposed to traditional media, which delivers content . It doesn't allow any readers,viewers,listeners to participate in the creation or development of the content. But it essentially is a category of online media where people are talking, participating, sharing, networking, and bookmarking online.
Social sites are basically used for fun. That may be the another reason why people admired it in a large number. It is easy to share our ideas, photos, videos, likes and dislikes. Social media provides us what other media like television cannot give . That is a chance to be engaged and engage others. 
The famous example of social media is face book. There is community, sharing, and connecting. People can share their stuff that will make strong bonding . Other example are My Space and MagNolia. These are famous and well known social sites. Social media are making the people more social in the virtual world. Everybody wants to get connect in different social sites to prove that yeh they are also socially connected.

Short notes on Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg was born in 1984 in White plains. He is the son of Karen (née Kempner), a psychiatrist, and Edward Zuckerberg, a dentist. He and his three sisters, Randi, Donna, and Arielle, were brought up in Dobbs Ferry, New York Zuckerberg was raised Jewish, had his bar mitzvah his when he turned and has since described himself as an atheist. While he was at Harvard, Zuckerberg created Facemash, a website that compared students’ dorm photos side-by-side in a fashion similar to HOT or NOT. Harvard administration was not amused and Zuckerberg faced subsequent disciplinary action. Less than three months later, he launched Facebook.
Mark Zuckerberg is the chief Executive of popular social network sites “ Face book”which he started in his college dorm room in 2004 with roomates Dustin Moskovitz and Chris HughesHe has done a great contribution in the field of communication. After his invention many people are sharing their feelings with photos and video. Though it is still in debate that whether face book can be called as a form of new media or not. It is an easy access for sharing the information. Face book is one of the example that how we are bound towards new media or let's say how we are ready to grasp the new form of media. Facebook as a social site, has sets the new level of media. everyone is known with face book. Even in context of Nepal, an uneducated belong to rural area are familier with it . 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

                              ofq'sf] Aoyf rfnssf] syf

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Thursday, April 26, 2012


Water trickled from rocks
As a small mountain stream
Everything was so beautiful 
I didn't believe it was a dream

The stream went for miles
Along all kinds of terrain
I followed it barefoot
Without a single ache or pain

As I went farther
It grew bigger and bigger
I lost track
Of when the stream became a river

This highway of my life
Landed me at a lake
It was so perfect and peaceful
Something only god could make

All of the problems I had to work through
No longer seemed so bad
I could work through anything
With the strength and wisdom that I had

With each new experience
I will begin to grow
Keep searching for knowledge
Until there is nothing I don't know

Monday, April 23, 2012


We all experience change in our lives. I think it's the only constant in our lives. There are changes that we look forward to and change that we fear. But its sure that things will not stay the same no matter how much we would like them too. When change occurs, we have two choices in terms of responding. We can despair that a change has come and assume that things will be worse, or we can look with excitement at the new possibilities that the change presents.
   I do have my own dreams. The ways are not clear and I don't know how to reach there. On the way I had already met several people among them some are so near, dear, dearest. At a point I even thought what would be my life without them. I don't want to think about that because I know that is never going to happen. But it is not necessary that our all dreams and wishes come true. Likewise, yesterday I had so many hands to hold but today I'm not getting any one. Today I'm feeling alone no one has time for me. May be I'm taking too seriously but nothing is working neither this nor that.That was the day when I felt that you were gone I felt it literally.  I let you go too. I don't have any option.The more I'm feeling lone the more I cry. Crying is not a best solution but it is for a time. Now, i don't wanna live for a time. I don't know what I'm saying.. The  fact is I'm lost totally lost just like my dreams......
I do think New Year's resolutions can't technically be expected to begin on New Year's Day, don't u? Since, because it's an extension of New Year's Eve, smokers are already on a smoking roll and cannot be expected to stop abruptly on the stroke of midnight with so much nicotine in the system. Also dieting on New Year's Day isn't a good idea as you can't eat rationally but really need to be free to consume whatever is necessary, moment by moment, in order to ease your hangover. I think it would be much more sensible if resolutions began generally on Jan the second.

                                            My dream
  I belong to media studies. Since my childhood I wanted to draw my own boundary and I believe, there is no boundary for dreams. My mother persuades me to have dreams. With the change of time my dreams are also changed. Now I am seeing myself as a photojournalist. Few years ago to be a photojournalist was mine dream. Now, I have no doubt that my dream becomes my passion and my ambition. I had experienced photography from my home during the family ceremony. I used to snap my friend’s photo along with my family members. When most of mine photo came beautiful I was very happy and i started to move backward and forward for my dream as a photojournalist. The next reason behind my photojournalist is- I had lost my granny when my dad was very young. Even he was unable to remember her face. We don’t have any photographs related with my granny. I feel bad and though if we had camera at that time today I could imagine her face. So, the day when I had my camera I started to clicking and capturing the moment inside the film.
Photojournalism itself is a challenging job. It’s thorny to make other people understand what actually we are trying to illustrate. Though it’s interesting. We don’t have control over time but with the technology we are able to rewind and replay the moment which we had already lived it.
To be a photojournalist is not only challenging but it will help me to pursue my dream of being a photojournalist one day. As a media student I want to put in my skills and the learned things together to communicate with the help of pictures, as it is said that “a picture is worth a thousand words” I want to see this quote come in action.